Rehena Khatun, age 35. Although she did not have money or her own land, she happily lived with her husband and two sons. Rehena Khatun's husband did not have any homestead or agricultural land of his own. They built a house on the land of a distant relative. Rehena's husband, Tutul Mia, was a farmer by profession. He used to cultivate government khas land. They have government khas agricultural land across a vast field in their village, where he used to cultivate with some land settlement. A few months ago Tutul Mia died suddenly. Then Rehena Khatun became helpless with her two sons. Her eldest son is in her first year of higher secondary and her youngest is three years old. Her husband was the only bread earner in her family. Although Rehena khatun's husband was a landless farmer, he was very enthusiastic about his son's education. He never allowed his son to do any work including agricultural work, lest his son's education should be disrupted.
Rehena Khatun's husband did not leave any kind of savings at the time of her death which could provide some kind of income through investment. Besides, his son had never worked in agriculture so it was not possible for them to continue farming. To survive, their family now needs stable income. Considering her overall condition, she has been included as a beneficiary of the ProChESTA and has been given BDT 19,000/= for rearing goats. With this money she bought two goats and built a shed to keep the goats. On 12 June 2020 She has been handed over 19000/ (nineteen thousand taka ) by dRi mentor Md Kamrul Hsan ARMAN .